Wednesday, June 11, 2008


LOOKING PROPERLY into these stunts-----------
1. YOU’RE made to sign for a course so that your email address could be easily recorded so that contacting you is no more be a problem. NOW the bombarding starts, getting you under wrap. YOU’RE a slave to their system.
2. BUT how the hell will a newbie believe such hypes! Are we safe? I mean a whooping $40,000.00 every month! Hey! In Nigeria parlance, we would say, small, small, o
3. NOW do you really think after some amount money for these enticing hype, then, one fool of a GURU would down to your level and start dishing how to make MONEY! And not that you would start pulling PROFITS in 24hours! DO YOU KNOW WHAT? Stop dreaming, wake-up!!

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About Me

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ireshe, ikorodu, lagos, Nigeria
Name: akpoveta ekuerhare I am a Nigeria and have been hearing,reading and attending seminals,but getting to know internet marketing became a pain for too long .I now said to my self that I would create a chance for the less privileged and that's what I will keep doing from now on.I will try to provide free ebooks, materials and extracts from other sources.