Monday, June 16, 2008


LET me tell You that it’s hard for someone to come out and boost that he/she can help you without thinking of what he or she stands to gain! Just for a$25 dollar hosting right and forced other $25 for a compulsory subscription into a website that doesn’t belong to him, then, promises of a full blown website (with all the bells and whistles that is ready to accept online payments!)
Let’s try to be honest.
Let us stop deceiving our fellow brothers just to get richer.
The truth is that a website will be provided but no such promises fulfilled even after a full month of hosting will expire. THEN your efforts will be make you look foolish.
To continued.

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About Me

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ireshe, ikorodu, lagos, Nigeria
Name: akpoveta ekuerhare I am a Nigeria and have been hearing,reading and attending seminals,but getting to know internet marketing became a pain for too long .I now said to my self that I would create a chance for the less privileged and that's what I will keep doing from now on.I will try to provide free ebooks, materials and extracts from other sources.